It’s sort of like you’re given a bucket full of energy every morning.

Okay, some days let’s be honest, it feels more like a Dixie cup allocation of energy for the day. You might feel seriously short changed—the Dixie cup isn’t even half full for crying out loud!

You’re sick; your lover’s in a foul mood; you didn’t get the account you wanted; or like me you just spent half the night soothing 3 shaking dogs through a thunder storm and you’re tired.

Life happens.

And sometimes, the energy’s just off and seriously lacking.

4am—shrill phone ring… sick parent… screaming baby… cat fight right outside your window. It happens.

And so here you are at the start of another day with a Dixie cup ½ full and uh…. oh, it looks like there are a bunch of pinholes and it’s leaking.

Here’s the thing.

You don’t always have control over some of the things life throws your way but you do have absolute and total control over how you dole that energy out and here, enter stage left, comes attitude.

Energy shape shifts. It’s not finite. It doesn’t sit still.

Some things you do with your energy will drain it in one fell swoop, no matter how much of it you have.

Other things you do will grow your energy—miraculously so—no matter how little you have.

With just a smidgeon, the tiniest little speck of energy, you can expand.

And that’s where your creative power lives.

Because, guess what?

You can shape that energy into whatever you want it to be.

Somedays it may take a lot of focusing and refocusing to shift that energy of yours; but you can shift it; you can grow it.

Your energy is magnetic.

Your energy is what creates your experience. It defines your reality.

Your reality is fluid. It’s not set in stone. It’s all in how you experience whatever it is you’re experiencing.

Native American Indian walks out into the hot sun and looks up at the sky and feels like she’s staring into the eyes of Grandfather Sun—warmed, supported, loved, cherished.

Wall Street executive walks out into hot sun and feels oppressed; overheated; stressed.

Same sun.

Your life, your call.

This is where your power comes in; your intentionality.

You may have a really lousy knee jerk reaction. I mean really, if you’re not feeling well and you were awakened at 4am with a faulty fire alarm system and now you’re already 2 hours behind in your day and it’s just started, even the best of you are going to start caving.

And the thing that really seals our fate as our energy tanks, is that we forget all about our creative editorial power.

We forget that we have a say.

We forget that we can stop, breathe, realign, choose where we head.

We aren’t victims of our moods.

You can shape shift your energy.

You’re the one interpreting what’s happening in your life.

You are a master story teller.

And with a touch of intentionality, with a touch of editing and tweaking and easing your way back to a better place, you can get there.

My vision for you this week is that you really pay attention to your power and how you’re using it.

My vision for you this week is that you’re stepping into your full power.

My vision for you this week is that you’re owning your reality and your energy and you’re playing with it and discovering how you can shape shift it and form it into the life you want to be living.

Sounds a little lofty maybe but really, it’s not. It’s all in how you work your energy.

Make a little list for yourself of things that plug the holes in those dixie cups… that start to fill those cups back up. We all have those those things.

For me, being outside, in the woods, it takes just a few minutes and I can feel my energy starting to come back.

Another winner for me is sniffing the paw of one of my pooches.

Or kissing my daughter’s forehead.

What about you? What’s on your list? What’s one of your shortcuts back to better energy? Leave me a comment, I’d love to hear.