Displaying 16 Posts categorized under healing yourself

When was the last time?… Read to the end because I have a gift for you.

Every day starts off with the best of intentions. Well, maybe not every day, but hopefully a good number of them. We’re no dummies—we’ve read the articles, we know the science. A calm and centered mind thrives. It creates the most incredible lives. But before we even get out the front door the laptop is… Continue reading…

Don’t stop those bad habits–part 2.

So…. let’s continue talking about those bad habits. Actually, instead, let’s talk about good habits and making those stick. Never mind the bad habits. If you didn’t read my last post, click here http://www.balloontothemoon.com/blog/2014/01/02/dont-stop-your-bad-habits/ Pull out your list of “if I wasn’t ….. then I would be …..” And now it’s time to focus on… Continue reading…

Blending 2 powerhouse therapies–a healing dynamo…

Everything in me is about helping people heal. For, dare I say, almost 30 years now my driving question has been how can I help people (and myself) heal—fast, totally, deeply and permanently from life’s traumas (big and small)? EMDR is a technique developed by Francine Shapiro about a decade ago. I studied with her… Continue reading…


I’m not “just” a therapist who focuses on the impact your past has on your present, or “just” a coach who focuses on your present and future.

My holistic approach weaves coaching, therapy and positive psychology (the science of happiness) together for maximum impact, so you can start feeling real happiness now, even as you’re clearing out the negative issues and traumas that hold you back.

Whether you need a sounding board or an impartial view, help breaking out of entrenched habits that aren’t serving you anymore, or even deep healing around childhood trauma or some other spiritual, psychological and/or emotional wounding, you’re in the right place.