It doesn’t matter what exactly it is you want. The reality is whether it’s a red Ferrari or a stunningly amazing partner, or a million dollars, or a community that massively changes the world for the better…. Every single last thing you want you want because there’s a part of you that believes that it’s going to make you happier. Bottom line?
We all want more happiness—in spades. I’ve never ever had someone tell me:
- “I’m too happy.”
- “Okay, that’s enough… no more good feelings. No more happiness.”
- “I’ve got too much happiness.”
The really cool thing is we don’t have to wait for those external wishes to come true. They’re coming, they’re on the their way and you can get them coming your way even faster by getting happier now. So that’s pretty neat. It’s the ultimate win/win/win.
Get happier now. Feel happier now. And the stuff you want that you believe is going to make you happier, well, yup, that comes faster too when you’re happier.
Happiness and manifesting what you want has a chemistry. Just like in those high school chemistry classes—that secret sauce that would make the whole beaker overflow in really cool Harry Potteresque pink foam. (Side note… no my chemistry teacher wasn’t overly pleased with me and my chem partner but we thought it was massively cool! Just saying).
Happy Potteresque happiness pink foam is gratitude. It’s “thank you”. It’s appreciation on steroids.
Gratitude’s become a pretty standard household practice but a lot of us aren’t even touching the surface of that superhouse of a practice. It’s a MEGA practice. It’s a bucketful of Happiness Miracle Grow—if you know how to amplify it.
It doesn’t matter how you step into gratitude. It doesn’t matter what the topic is. What matters is the emotion. When you’re tapped into gratitude, when you’re really feeling it, when you’re feeling like the luckiest person on the planet because…
- You have running water
- Your dogs are adorable
- The leaves blowing in front of your window are stupendous
- The song you’re listening to brings tears to your eyes
- You feel so alive when you jump into the lake
- You can skip
- You can bite into an apple
When you’re feeling that kind of grateful, that kind of lucky then you’re plugged into 1-800-HAPPY. And from that place only good tunes can come your way.
So play around with this one. Make it a regular practice, even just 2 or 3 mintues at the beginning or end of your day.
Turn it into a game. Happiness is fun. How many things can you find today that you’re massively grateful for? How many times can you get yourself covered in goosebumps and awe because well, life is just that good, no matter what’s going on in your life.
I, right at this moment, am massively grateful for YOU. I love that I can write these words that I’m so passionate about and know that you, my fellow life adventurer, are going to read them. That is pretty awesomely cool!
What about you? What are you grateful for today? Leave me a comment. You know me, I always love to hear from you.