Whatever brings you here today, know that it’s no accident. Something is calling you. The life that wants to be lived unabashedly and fully through you—YOUR life—is calling.
I can see the pure, raw unadulterated potential in you and I make no apology for it. I know what’s possible for you and if you’re ready to expand into that potential, to rediscover the true essence of who you are, then come on in.
I’m a psychotherapist, a transformational coach, an international speaker, retreat leader, an emotional alchemist—where we turn the inevitable emotional gunk that accumulates in a life into gold.
I’m not “just” a therapist who focuses on the impact your past has on your present (though I have been that for over 30 years), or “just” a coach who focuses on your present and future (though I am that too). First and foremost I’m an unabashed champion for your full potential.
My clients would tell you that I’m a soul whisperer; that I help them breathe life back into their lives. I help them take their lives from black and white to technicolor surround sound. I’m a renovator of lives.
I see transformation and growth like alchemy, where we turn lead into gold. Our work together isn’t just about helping you feel better today, it’s about helping you thrive in this moment, and long into the future.
I have over 30 years of experience and a strong track record of helping my clients heal and take their lives to new levels. I’m absolutely passionate about helping people reclaim themselves and rediscover the magic, wonder and awe of who they truly are.
I’m the author of several books—Balloon to the Moon: a Guide to Vibrant Living, Plug Yourself Into the Frequency of Happiness; the ebook 7 Steps to Any Goal; and a series of guided meditation CDs, including The Manifesting Trio.
I’ve written a variety of newspaper and magazine articles and have been interviewed on radio talk shows including Shirley MacLaine’s Independent Expressions Radio.
I help you see your life and yourself clearly again. And then….
OH MY! THAT’S WHEN the magic begins…
You discover that you actually really really like yourself. And when you reconnect with your core energy, amazing things start to happen.
That’s when you truly begin to THRIVE—in ways that maybe you haven’t since you were 3 years old.
Know that whatever brings you here today, it wasn’t an accident. There’s something in you that’s ready to rise. I’m here to help you unearth that treasure.