When you let spirit flow through you, amazing things start to happen. And no, that’s not just some Pollyanna take on life, it’s the real deal.
I’ve seen so many of my clients transform their lives—I mean massively transform their lives—just by beginning to get out of their own way (yes, I know easier said than done), and listen in to the pure source energy within them.
And by the way, it doesn’t matter one hoot, what you call that energy—God, Higher Self, All That Is. The name doesn’t matter one bit. Some words may trigger, so find a word for this energy that makes you lean in.
The fact is, that once you start to dance with that Energy, consistently, daily, hourly—life as you know it will never be the same. It’s that powerful.
It’s the difference between a) living life as a solo drop of water and b) reconnecting that tiny drop of yours to a boundless, limitless ocean. The second you reconnect, you actually become the ocean. You step into pure potentiality; a field of infinite possibilities. You become expanded, boundless. And that, my friend, is an incredible place to live—as often as you possibly can.
Just like I wrote in Balloon to the Moon:
“When we pour ourselves, boundless, back into the ocean of universal creativity, we become one with it. Its power is of us. We ignite our full vibrancy, expanding toward full capacity; we dip into the realm of pure potentiality.”
Ultimately that’s what it’s all about. You and I were meant to thrive. We came to this planet intending to live fully. As in full of life.
- Not just get by.
- Not just check things off our endless to do lists.
- Not just trudge through more things we don’t want to do.
- Not just do what other people want us to do.
- Not just sing the song everyone around us is singing.
Oh, hell no!
You and I came here because we wanted to really experience what it would be like to blend physical and nonphysical energy and live from that place as often as we possibly could.
Now, this is Planet Earth. There’s a lot of competing energy. And for those of us, like you and me, who are super sensitive, not getting caught up energy that’s not yours, and staying true to your own course is a little challenging. Understatement there.
One of the most powerful hacks I know for stepping back into that infinite spiritual ocean is Nature. Yup, sweet ole Mother Nature.
Nature is one of Source Energy’s greatest conductors. A conduit for that All That Is energy—if you allow it.
- Absolute presence with a flowing steam or the song of bird or the whispering of a breeze…
- The rustle of trees.
- The caress of a breeze.
- The scent of moss.
- The softness of a baby fern.
- The sweetness of a spring flower.
These are invitations to go deeper. Invitations to let go. Invitations to allow. If you accept them, even for a moment, you’ll reconnect. You’ll plug yourself right back into that infinite field of possibilities.
Just like that drop of ocean suddenly reconnecting with the whole ocean, you feel your “oceanness” instead of your separateness.
You are not alone. Ever. Sometimes you just can’t feel the connection.
You’re at your most powerful, creative, radiant core when you’re connected; flowing in the energy of it all.
Life looks completely different from this place. Like a client said to me yesterday: “it’s like my life has turned 180 degrees. Everything’s different now. It’s like a whole new world.” Yup, the shift is THAT powerful.
It is a whole new world when you reconnect with the fullness of who you really are.
It’s your life, so it’s definitely your call. But I really hope you go for it! You game? Leave me a comment and let me know.