I spent the first 20+ years of my life knowing to the core of my being that there was something fundamentally wrong with me.
I knew that if people really knew me, they most certainly would/could never really love me. And chances are, if you’re a sensitive, heart-full, emotional “fairy dust and pixie” kind of person, so did you.
Needless to say, there was a big chunk of my life that wasn’t easy. Understatement. But somehow, something inside kept nudging me. “Look at me. Get to know me. Love me.” And so, in a far from graceful way, that’s what I did. And what I discovered is that when I accepted–and yes sometimes even loved–this quirky highly sensitive and emotional human being that I am, I stepped into pure unadulterated happiness.
Because here’s the thing about we sensitive, soul-full, creative beings… the flip side of “we’re too sensitive” “toughen up” and so on, is an ability to be touched by the tiniest things in life in the most beautiful and soul-shining way.
We’re the ones whose hearts can overflow on a dime at…
a lady bug flying by…
a petal unfurling on a flower…
a baby’s smile…
a puppy’s step…
a breeze…
a violin note…
the touch of a feather…
So, I ask you from the deepest recesses of my being…
What if that very thing you’ve been told your whole life is wrong with you…. is actually the very thing, that when you embrace it and own it and live from it, opens the floodgates to a level of happiness that feels positively magical.
I’d love to hear from you if you have a thought or a comment or if you just feel like letting me know how life touches you in those simple ways that touch people like you and me so deeply.